Adapting our volunteer programmes to continue supporting Islington's communities


In light of the recent coronavirus pandemic,  BIG Alliance has been working hard to adapt our programmes to ensure our business partners and volunteers are still able to support people who need it most.

Our Community team are responding to the needs of Islington community partners and business members by offering volunteering opportunities which can be done remotely. Volunteers with a range of expertise are lining up to offer website user experience consultations, social media training, legal support and HR guidance.

Our Education team has adapted the traditional face-to-face mentoring into telephone mentoring sessions. Mentors and students now have a phone call every other week and our team have designed new activities to help students manage their stress in these challenging times, as well as preparing them for the world of work. Mentors have been conducting remote CV reviews and holding mock interviews over the phone.

Like every organisation, BIG Alliance will continue to adapt to ensure that, alongside our business partners, we find creative ways to continue supporting communities across Islington.

If you think we can work together, please email


Back to school! What BIG Alliance and ELBA are doing to continue supporting our young people


Support Islington and its residents through the local crisis fund