How are ELBA and BIG Alliance helping to respond to climate change targets ?

Today is midsummer’s day and was going to be the day that we unlocked and started a gradual return to our former working lives – albeit with a big adjustment to the balance of home and office working. That must be put off until 19th July and we all hope the pleasure of opening up will be heightened by having to wait a little bit longer. ELBA and BIG Alliance are still operating face to face volunteering, but this will continue to be within the current Government restrictions until 19th July.

One thing that will not wait is a response to climate change. We are very aware that for many of our corporate and community partners, responding to climate change is becoming a high ranking, if not the highest, priority. We all know that the response depends on everyone – individual, organisation and business –  making a contribution, so that all our actions add up to what is required at a global level.

Here at ELBA and BIG Alliance, we have been active in environmental, nature and ecology activities for all of our 30+ years. Now however, with the new urgency emerging from all directions, we are working on how we can fit those activities into local carbon net zero and biodiversity gain targets, meeting the goals of both business and local stakeholders, while still involving the community in determining local priorities.

Right now we are looking for people, experts and organisations to help us develop our thinking on measurement, on developing local carbon literacy, and on supporting community organisations to develop their own response plans. If you are interested in helping then please do get in touch. We intend to have a range of practical activities in place in the run up to COP26 in November.

Contact Ian Parkes –


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