Mentoring Works Celebrations 2023
As we are approaching the end of school academic year, we are in full swing of our Mentoring Works Celebrations for both year 10 and sixth form programmes. Across ELBA and BIG Alliance we have planned seven celebration events during May up to July. So far we have delivered four events out of seven.
The Mentoring Works Celebrations have always been full of inspirational feedback and good fun for all attendees. This year was extra special as it was the first time we hosted in person Celebration events post COVID. The events were a celebration of everyone’s achievements and also a good opportunity for mentors and mentees to say their thank you and goodbyes.
In total for this year we worked with 21 secondary schools, colleges and sixth forms; 13 corporate partners, 261 beneficiaries (across Year 10 and Sixth form) and 204 mentors (across all our partners). The ongoing support and collaboration is very much appreciated.
During the events the students and their mentors were asked to reflect upon their mentoring experience and in the end some of them shared it with the whole audience.
The mentors and mentees, when asked about the skills they had developed during their mentoring relationship, said the following:
“Got to practise listening and communication skills. I don’t often interact with young people so it stretched me to learn how to most effectively connect with them.” (Mentor)
“I developed by getting a mentee who’s taught and shaped with me their creativity. It has inspired me to be as creative and also keep asking questions.” (Mentor)
“I developed my knowledge of the professional world and sharpened my communication skills. It also helped me to have a clearer vision of my future career, and the steps I’d have to take to achieve them.” (Mentee)
“I became more confident in speaking to people I don’t know and I learnt different techniques that I can apply to my daily life.” (Mentee)
This year we also encouraged the students and their mentors to leave messages for each other. To highlight just some of the messages written by the mentors to their mentees:
“It’s been a pleasure to get to know you throughout the program. Keep following and exploring your passions and I’m confident that your enthusiasm will take you far in life!”
“Thank you for being so patient and making the sessions interactive. You are the most energetic and focused student I have ever met.”
“It’s been a privilege to be your mentor. You’re so inspiring. Good luck, I know you have an amazing future ahead of you.”
“It’s been so great to get to know you and see you growing in confidence. You ask great questions and are so curious, don’t ever lose that!”
And here are a few messages the mentees left for their mentors:
“Thank you for your advice and for listening to my long stories. I appreciate it.”
“Thank you for teaching us and helping us so far and I hope we get to carry on until the end. I will remember you and your love for Taylor Swift.”
“To my mentor, I appreciate your time and efforts and not just that but also your advice on management will stick with me throughout my whole career.
Thank you to my mentor for motivating me and putting in so much effort into helping me develop.”
We would like to thank all our mentors and mentees for their commitment and hard work on the programme this year. We look forward to welcoming a new cohort from September 2023.
“Thank you so much for your help, support, guidance and kindness. You’re really made my time on this programme worthwhile. Thanks for absolutely everything! I wish you all the best in anything and everything you do. And, yes, you truly are THE BEST MENTOR!”
If your company is interested in organising a Careers Inisght Visit, suporting young people in Islington through mentoring, get in touch with Maria Tonchievici at
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