We do need some education


Written by Andrea Rannard-Lambert, ELBA Director of Account Management

With everyone globally, as well as locally and nationally, having to rapidly adapt to respective Government COVID 19 guidance, this week ELBA and BIG Alliance are particularly mindful of changes for schools and other education institutions, families and the reality of many of us working from home with children present.

As parents, my husband and I are quickly developing a daily routine to allow our babies to loosely follow their usual nursery schedule (so we don’t unpick all the good work), whilst we work from home. I know many colleagues and contacts are adapting to children sharing the new “work space”, and have concerns just as we do. We’re all learning together, what else can we do!

What we all want to ensure is that children, our children, do not suffer from the lack of contact with school and all it provides (learning, friendships, safety, food, and so much more). The same applies for those that usually attend nursery, college or university - these institutions play such an important role in society.

Here are some examples of what ELBA is doing remotely with your help to support our education institutions:

Although mentors and mentees on the Mentoring Works programme can no longer  continue with their face-to-face sessions, we are putting together guidelines for how the programme may continue via alternative methods. We will shortly be communicating with our partner schools, colleges, students, parents/guardians, companies and volunteer mentors to confirm details.

We are looking for inspirational speakers to share their career journey via Skype and webinars with schools, to help boost morale. Pupils can access this information from home.

We are asking business volunteers to remotely give feedback on university student CVs and offer e-mentoring support, so individuals can improve their employability despite uncertain times.

We are organising video mock interviews so that business volunteers can chat through an individual's CV and a job description with them, work through suggested interview questions and answers together.

BIG Alliance and ELBA is in constant communication with our education partners to understand their needs, and we are in continuous communication with members to support their employees. We encourage all of you to keep us informed of any needs and changes, and we will do our very best to help.

Back at the Rannard-Lambert ranch we are in touch with our babies’ nursery to see how we  can support them - we want them to still be around once the virus subsides.

We are following the guidance out there to set and maintain a routine; spending some time daily outside whilst social distancing - we’re gardening and planting some seeds as a family, and we had a treasure hunt earlier; and some baking together. We have also been watching Moana and, when we’re not watching, listening to the soundtrack - who knew Dwayne Johnson had a decent voice!

Many of ELBA colleagues with older children are accessing the online resources provided by their childrens’ school, college or university; as well as other free online provision from trusted sources.

We’re all agreed - ELBA, community partners, education institutions, our members and supporters - that we have to laugh about the occasional scream of “mummy” or “daddy” in the background during conference calls and webinars.

And, be kind to ourselves - we simply cannot provide the same level of education as our nurseries, schools, colleges and universities usually do. So let’s all make it an adventure together, and continue to be kind and patient with one another.


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