Natasha’s volunteering experience with The BIG Alliance
Name: Natasha Rowan
Company and role:
SAGE Publishing, Researcher Marketing Communications Executive
BIG Alliance programme: Mental Health Workshops, Team Chalenges and BoardMatch
Which of our volunteering programmes or projects have you taken part in?
I have taken part in the Mental Health Workshops in a Primary School, Team Challenges - Adventure Playground Fix-Up Day and am a Volunteer Trustee Board Member of Islington People’s Theatre (which I was connected to via The BIG Alliance).
Why did you decide to volunteer on these specific programmes?
I have always been drawn to people-oriented jobs and always thought of myself as very outgoing. Going through something like lockdown as an extrovert makes you appreciate the human connections you have around you ten-fold compared to ‘the before’, so I wanted to give my time to organisations and workshops that foster those connections and people skills in a fun and informative way.
How did you find these programmes? What did you enjoy?
I have really enjoyed all of my experiences working with The Big Alliance!
Being appointed as a Volunteer Board Member for Islington People’s Theatre in particular has been a really rewarding experience. Working with addicts in recovery in the area, the charity has run a 10-week Recoverist Project, where participants could come and take part in 2 hour workshops ran every Friday by different creative directors. Contributing to their marketing efforts and boosting their online following has been SUCH a joy and I will always be thankful to The Big Alliance for getting me involved with them.
The Team Challenge at the Adventure Playground fix-up day was really fun. Working in an office, we don’t have much time in the outdoors to stick our hands in the mud (and the leaves), and to know how much fun the young people will have tearing around the play area when school clocks out. It was also a great experience for getting to know my own team – I had only worked at SAGE for a few months when I took part in this. We were raking leaves, smoothing over the ground, weeding. It was really therapeutic and even though we were freezing, I would love to do it again!
The Primary School Mental Health Workshops were amazing – the children were so engaged and had great ideas for how things could improve in their school environment which was encouraging. That was really inspiring and my favourite event to be a part of so far.
What do you feel you’ve achieved as a result of volunteering with BIG Alliance?
I feel I have reintegrated myself in the realities of London in 2022 – which I know sounds silly, but when you’ve been working remotely for years, it left me feeling (and I’m sure many others) a bit existential about how to even go about helping or nurturing your community. Working with The Big Alliance has made me feel reconnected to the wider world, an opportunity to work with people from all backgrounds, ages, and in various contexts I would not have otherwise felt connected to, even though I always wanted to.
What advice would you give to your colleagues who are thinking about volunteering?
Do it!
The work volunteers do is meaningful, fun and makes an impactful on-the-ground difference to those they work with.
My #1 Advice: plan your diary ahead! If you’re stretched for time with your workload, keep an eye out for emails (you’re made aware of volunteering opportunities far in advance) and look to book something you’d like to be involved in with as much time as you can, so you can discuss with your manager and plan your schedule accordingly. This will mean your volunteering stays what it should be for you: an enriching experience that boosts you, not a stressful one that makes you feel dread-filled for falling behind on your bread-and-butter tasks. You won’t regret it!
Are you interested in volunteering with BIG Alliance? If so, contact our Deputy Head of Programmes Luke Brown at