UK Disability History Month - The Baluji Music Foundation
BIG Alliance celebrate UK Disability History Awareness month and speak to Baluji Shrivastav OBE, the founder and artistic director of the Baluji Music Foundation.
Fusion Mentoring Launch 2022
BIG Alliance launched the second Fusion Mentoring Programme, in collaboration with Macquarie Group’s Fusion Network – an employee network group which seeks to empower colleagues of different races, ethnicities, cultures, and faiths.
Problem Solved! Macquarie Interns Shine Again
BIG Alliance partnered with Macquarie Group and their summer interns for a second year to offer solutions to strategic challenges put forward by Islington's community organisations.
Importance of Careers Education and National Apprenticeships Week
“The support young people received during the Mentoring Works programme has helped them broaden their horizon on careers and consider more potential options after they leave school, such as apprenticeships.”
Samuel Rhodes Mentoring - Could mentoring have a positive impact on young people with special education needs and their mental health?
“Our pupils benefit massively from the mentoring for their mental health and well-being”.
Volunteers make Islington greener by planting 4000+ plants from the Chelsea Flower Show
Over three days, more than 4,000 plants and eight trees were planted across the Packington estate to improve surroundings for local residents, many of whom live in flats with no gardens.
Continuing the Mental Health conversations at Islington’s primary schools
Following the success in February, we ran the Mental Health workshops at Islington’s primary schools again, to mark the Mental Health Awareness Week.
How The Maya Centre is Tackling Digital Exclusion
We caught up with one of our community partners, The Maya Centre, about the digital exclusion challenges their service users face.
The Return of Time to Talk Mental Health Workshops
After a break in 2021, we were excited to run our Time to Talk workshops at Islington’s primary schools again, facilitated by corporate volunteers. Read more about the success of the workshops, including the report on it.
CoRe 2021 Programme Impact Report
BIG Alliance is proud to publish the 2021 CoRe Programme Impact Report
BIG Alliance Approaches 10 Years of Creating Social Change in Islington
It’s been an exciting year here at the BIG Alliance, full of fantastic projects and a few changes, too. Find out what we got up to this year as we look forward to our 10th birthday in 2022.
Fusion Network Mentoring: Supporting Our Young People to Transition Into the World of Work
This year, BIG Alliance launched their pilot Fusion Mentoring programme, in partnership with Macquarie Foundation’s Fusion Network. Read more about how the programme supports the young people of Islington here.
The return of Macquarie Group Consultancy Sprint Challenge
In July, teams of Macquarie Group employees and summer interns supported five Islington community organisations with their strategic challenges. Find out more about the programme and read our Evaluation report here.
Celebrating Good Times with Mentoring Works!
ELBA and BIG Alliance’s Mentoring Works programme is celebrating the achievements of the 2020-21 Year 10 cohort with a series of 10 Celebration events with our company and school partners, across June and July.
Video: Team Challenges return to Islington
In May 2021, we captured the triumphant return of our Team Challenges in Islington. As part of their annual 'Green Week' initiative, our friends at Euromonitor International encouraged staff to volunteer in person via opportunities sourced by BIG Alliance.
In this short video, we spoke to volunteers and community leaders about the return of Team Challenges.
How are ELBA and BIG Alliance helping to respond to climate change targets ?
With the new urgency emerging from all directions, we are working on how we can fit those activities into local carbon net zero and biodiversity gain targets, meeting the goals of both business and local stakeholders, while still involving the community in determining local priorities.
Ecobricks to tackle the plastic pandemic
BIG Alliance and ELBA are engaging corporate volunteers to create Ecobricks. — a simple, low-tech solution to put our plastic to good use in short and long term applications. Ecobricks can be reused over and over again and safely secure plastic out of the biosphere to build spaces that enrich our community.
Volunteers’ Week - A Big Thank You
This week is Volunteers’ Week in which the unpaid efforts of people across the country are celebrated. And today, Thursday 3rd June 2021 is the day when we particularly focus on business volunteers.